What We Do & How We Do It

Elgin Grid Connections (EGC) is an accredited Independent Connection Provider (ICP) consisting of expert power systems, grid connection and electrical design engineers providing streamlined grid connection services from project origination through to energisation.
Project Origination

EGC utilises GridXplore, an advanced in-house power systems analysis software tool to model and identify capacity on electricity grids for the targeted origination of new solar and storage projects.

Grid Connection Management

EGC works with Distribution Network Operators to ensure efficient and cost-effective connection strategies are pursued while ensuring that technical and commercial risks are managed appropriately.

Power Systems Analysis

Our EGC team is well-equipped to carry out comprehensive technical analysis to ensure compliance with network operator standards, minimise the risk of additional costs and demonstrate that projects can effectively support network operations. This includes utilising specialised software to perform power quality, steady-state, short-circuit, and dynamic analysis.

Electrical Design

The EGC design team comprises experienced design engineers who create high-quality, detailed designs for grid connection assets in accordance with DNO standards and specifications without compromising safety.

For inquiries about our services, connect with Kieran Kelly, Head of Grid to discuss your renewable energy goals and how Elgin can help.

Contact Kieran
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